Now. New. Next.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Happy Friday to all!

Ever since I decided to start a magazine, and work for myself..everyday seems like Friday to me :) But this Friday was different. Earlier this year, after taking some much need time off of work to travel, I had a series of incidents that happened to me. I wont go into details, but lets just say, you probably would not believe them if I told you. I actually wrote all of incidents down in a journal so that i would make sure to believe my self long after the time had passed. For some reason, these things came to my mind today, and I felt the need to blog about it.

Some people say that we receive signs all the time, but are never aware because we are not mentally clear enough to realize them. We can receive signs for all kinds of reasons, but for the sake of this entry, lets just say that signs are hear to help us. They can let us know many things, guide us, give us confirmation or lead the way for us. I believe that this is what the signs I have witnessed have done for me.

Synchronicity is defined as " a meaningful coincidence." So lets do a breakdown: meaningful is defined as "full of meaning, significance, purpose, or value; purposeful;" a coincidence is defined as "a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time, apparently by mere chance." So when you think about it, another way to say it is a chance events that have major purpose or significance.

I know this seems deep, but all I can do is record whats happening now, to me, on my journey in Making The Magazine. After working in the magazine industry for 7 years, I found out that this is all I know how to do. And I believe, that the chance incidents that I have experienced are signs to let me know that I am where I am supposed to be, doing what I'm supposed to do, and being the person that I am supposed to be for these times.

I say all this to say, stop and slow down sometimes. We look at so much, but often don't see anything. The closer you are to yourself, the more the universe will bend for you...because in all actuality, your bending it.

Treace ( thats peace cubed :)

Cubed Vision


  1. This is absolutely true! The universe ALWAYS gives us signals and nothing in life is coincidental. We all have a purpose and each person comes in to our lives to help teach us lessons. Also, with each journey, we learn from each "teacher" so to speak. I believe in synchronicity-its happened to me on so many levels and each time, it was a message that I was supposed to absorb. Great topic!

  2. We are here to support you.


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  3. "We look at so much, but often don't see anything." So true. I am sorry, I don't know how I had missed your comment. Of course, it will be great partnering you for the magazine. I will send you an email from my personal id.
